The sleepy town of Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu may seem like an unlikely hub for airport taxis, but it has become exactly that. Situated almost equidistant from the major airports of Chennai and Bengaluru, the town is home to scores of taxi drivers who make the long journey to and from the airports daily, ferrying passengers on the first and final legs of their travels.

For these hard-working men, driving is far more than just a job – it’s a way of life. Their days are defined by the ebb and flow of flight schedules, the endless ribbons of highway, and the stories of the thousands of passengers they’ve transported over the years. This is a glimpse into the world of the Tiruvannamalai airport taxi driver.

The Day Begins Before Dawn

Most airport taxi drivers’ days begin while the rest of the world is still asleep. Cab queues at Chennai and Bengaluru airports start getting topped up as early as 3 am, as drivers roll in after the lengthy 3-4 hour drive from Tiruvannamalai. They’ll grab a quick tea or snack, then join the waiting line of taxis, hopes high of getting seeking a fare headed their way.

The first passengers of the day are usually outstation travelers catching early morning flights. But an airport taxi driver’s day is a long-distance marathon, not a sprint. If they don’t get hired for an outbound fare, they’ll wait it out, sometimes half the day, to pick up an inbound passenger from a domestic or international arrival.

Touring the Towns and Villages

One of the biggest perks of the job, drivers say, is getting to interact with people from all walks of life. Tourists, business travelers, family groups, solo adventurers – they’ve seen them all over years. Many passengers are abandoning the impersonal ride services for the friendly familiarity and local know-how of these traditional cabbies.

The conversations en route run the gamut from casual airport banter to long philosophical discussions. Drivers have become impromptu tour guides, pointing out fascinating roadside shrines, quaint potters’ villages, and iconic sights like the grand Annamalaiyar Temple. It’s a mutually enriching experience, allowing drivers to intersect with people and cultures they may never have encountered otherwise.

The cabs become mobile ambassadors for the region, with drivers proudly showcasing local cuisines, arts, and hospitality to their passengers. A stop for delicious jigarthanda, piping hot bajji, or fresh coconut water is obligatory on longer journeys.

Shifting Sleep Schedules

Spending so many hours on the road means sleep is a fragmented affair. Taxi drivers have become masters at catching quick naps wherever possible – while waiting at airport holdings, during passenger stops, or even pulling over for a rejuvenating half-hour power snooze. Once they return to Tiruvannamalai in the late evenings or early mornings, it’s family time before the whole cycle repeats again.

Multi-Tasking Marathoners

The long commutes between airports and Tiruvannamalai test drivers’ stamina like little else. Yet their days are a constant juggling act between driving and other important tasks. Many drivers double up as tourist guides for travel parties, or take up local passenger bookings around Tiruvannamalai between airport trips. With intense competition for fares, hustling is key to maximizing earnings.

Then there’s the endless paperwork – updating vehicle registrations, permits, and documentation. There are also logistical hurdles of getting cabs periodically serviced and fueled up for the next marathon. It’s a delicate choreography that drivers have perfected through years of practice.

The Driving Force

For decades, the livelihoods of thousands of families in and around Tiruvannamalai have depended on this lifeline of airport taxi driving. It’s an indispensable service that connects this small town to major transit hubs and the wider world. Drivers take pride in showcasing Tamil Nadu’s welcoming spirit and warm hospitality to visitors.

While the long hours and strenuous lifestyle take a toll, the appeal of being one’s own boss keeps drivers motivated. With unmarred dedication and unfaltering perseverance, they keep countless journeys across Tamil Nadu moving every single day, crafting innumerable Tiruvannamalai taxi tales in the process.